Michał Stankiewicz: I never know how my day will end


Michał Stankiewicz

Senior Project Manager

Michał Stankiewicz has been working at Prologis for eight years. This is the so-called "man orchestra" - he is able to carry out the investment process from the very beginning, that is, from talking to the client, until handing him over the keys, to a fresh, tailored to the needs of the tenant, warehouse. Thanks to his many years of experience in the real estate market, he has knowledge about every stage of construction - from construction, through installations, to building finishing.

He claims that every stage of the investment and paying attention to details are equally important to him and that he does not distinguish any of them. However, after a while he adds that he likes the construction process management the most.

- Magazines are created by people. Having the best machines and the most modern materials, we are able to achieve a good effect. For the best effect, it is necessary to involve a well-coordinated team of professionals who want to build something unique. That is why I pay special attention to the selection of a general contractor, subcontractors, consultants or a supervision inspector - he emphasizes.

As a Senior Project Manager at Prologis, he has already coordinated several dozen construction projects. What is the greatest fun for him at work?

- I like the pace and the element of surprise. It's hard to get bored in my job. I never know how the day will end. From the outside, it might seem that the magazines are similar, but that's not true. We work with such different clients - manufacturers, service providers, logistics, e-commerce. Every business is different, it changes dynamically, which is why our tenants have very different requirements - says Michał and laughs that in order to balance the house, it needs peace and predictability.

No wonder that in the team he is an unofficial specialist in big challenges. Wherever the customer has extremely complex requirements or you have to act in an unconventional way, Michał appears. His composure and calm are immediately apparent. He is never nervous, never raises his voice, but works methodically and consistently pursues his goal.

- I have not yet experienced a customer dissatisfied with the level of service at Prologis. The company requires from us a high level of honesty in relations with the client - high ethical standards in business are one of our pillars. It is also very important to me privately, and I think it is one of the most important reasons why I joined Prologis for a long time - he emphasizes.

Michał Stankiewicz graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. He works in the Warsaw office of Prologis, but his work and activities also involve traveling all over the country.

- This is another of the most interesting aspects of my job - meeting new places and people. Contrary to appearances, Poland is not a monocultural country at all. Many things still surprise and interest me in the regions. I like to listen and watch how life is elsewhere and how business is done there - he sums up.


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