Marcin Czerniewski: What matters in business is a long-term partnership, not one good deal (contract)

Marcin Czerniewski

Marcin Czerniewski

Development Manager

Marcin Czerniewski has been working at Prologis for over five years, but has been involved in the warehouse real estate industry for almost ten years. As a Development Manager, she deals with the implementation of new investments as well as the reconstruction and rearrangement of already existing warehouses in Upper and Lower Silesia and Central Poland.

In his work, he likes contact with clients the most.

- The quality of Prologis attracts very demanding tenants with precisely defined expectations regarding not only the buildings themselves, i.e. their quality and adaptation for storage or production, but also in terms of deadlines and costs. Solving all these problems and, as a result, creating a product that meets expectations is a challenge, the implementation of which gives great satisfaction - says Marcin, who in his department is famous for his courage in making decisions. It is flexible, available and reacts really quickly to the needs of tenants.

He is also perfect for working in an international environment, because, as he himself says, he learned respect for different cultures and a different way of acting at the beginning of his professional career, when he worked for two and a half years in the Czech branch of Procter & Gamble after graduation. There he was responsible for the construction and expansion of production and warehouse halls. Among his colleagues in the Prague office there were as many as 17 different nationalities. There he learned that diversity is of great value, not an obstacle to action.

As he likes people and values ​​their competences and often different views, he believes that the real strength lies in teamwork. - On our own, we could only “hold the air” in the warehouses, and together we do amazing projects, participating in the development of our clients' business. Everyone in our department is good at something else and these competences intertwine - he explains.

Marcin comes from Wrocław, where he finished construction at the Wrocław University of Technology, where he spends the most time in his work. One of the most interesting investments in which he participated in the capital of Lower Silesia was the creation of a training center for the Xeos company at Prologis Park Wrocław. There are training courses for employees of the aircraft engine servicing and repair plant.

He holds several meetings every day - with clients, architects, officials or a building inspector.

- In relations with clients, I focus on respect and honesty. If an expensive solution is not optimal for the tenant, I always say that a similar effect can be obtained much cheaper. I believe that a long-term partnership is valuable in business, not one advantageous deal. This is also the philosophy of Prologis - we offer not only high-quality magazines, but also honest and professional advice - he explains.

His hobby is ecology, especially in the area of ​​green construction.
- This is one of the most interesting things happening in real estate now. And it's not just an environmental certificate that can be displayed or hung on the wall. The benefits for the environment and your wallet are important. Five years ago, LED lighting was a novelty, today it is a standard. I am glad that this is changing so quickly. Small things like using a fountain to drink water instead of plastic cups are best. In this way, each warehouse employee can have an impact on the future of the world and the protection of its resources.


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